Saturday, March 15, 2025

How you can tell a biker’s from Austin

Since the Sturgi-spreader in South Dakota in August, a good rule is to skip any restaurant with Harleys parked in front. But I will say that bikers from here are a kinder, more thoughtful breed. A true Austin outlaw biker: 1. Cooks crystal in a food trailer called “You Do the Meth.” 2. “Got his […]

Shit Street Memories

Honolulu’s seedy Hotel Street in the ’70s The sailors and soldiers called it “Shit Street.” During Vietnam and a few years after, Hotel Street in Honolulu’s Chinatown was the Broadway of the skankiest red light district in the country. The Combat Zone in Boston wasn’t shit! Besides strippers, there were live sex shows, Korean handjob […]

Signed books for sale

“If you’re a fan of popular music and you want to know more about it, you should know the name ‘Michael Corcoran’–  Marshall Crenshaw WFUV’s “Bottomless Pit.” “Corcoran has few rivals for following a story to its logical conclusion, then refining it into a seamless narrative. Even the means of reporting become part of the […]

The Chuck Woolery I Knew (for a week)

We’ve glimpsed our share of movie and TV stars at the Austin City Limits Music Festival, and it’s usually easy to piece together why they’re there. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow was on hand in 2005 with baby Apple because husband Chris Martin’s band Coldplay headlined. Actor Bill Murray’s omnipresence two years ago was explained by his […]