Friday, March 28, 2025

SXSW Stories- Patti Smith 2000

They say you shouldn’t meet your idols because they just can’t live up to your expectations. But Leslie Uppinghouse, whose 20-year run handling production at SXSW ended in March 2016, became an even bigger fan of Patti Smith after working with the high priestess of punk at SXSW 2000. This was back when the big […]

Biggest SXSW “get”? SXSW stories #2

Who’s been the biggest “get” of SXSW thus far? Johnny Cash in ’94 and Tom Waits in ’99 really helped put the Austin conference on the map. Norah Jones had the No. 1 album in the country when she played SXSW in 2002, Metallica at Stubb’s in ’09 was huge, as was Bruce Springsteen in […]

Overheard at SXSW 1989

1. “The registration line was insane. That’s 25 minutes of my life I won’t get back.” 2. “Do you know where Saturday’s day party is?” 3. “Austin learned its lesson from the Armadillo. No way they’re tearing down Liberty Lunch for an office building.” 4. “I’m in such a hurry I’m gonna have to grab […]

20 years later: when SXSW went to Portland

originally published Oct. 3, 1995, the second of seven years of NXNW PORTLAND, Ore. — After “Giant recording artists” Big Car broke up in early 1992, bassist Jeff Groves sold everything he owned, including his home recording studio, and embarked on a gypsy adventure with his new bride, Laura. They just took off and drove […]

Tweets from SXSW 1989

TWEETS FROM SXSW 1989 “The registration line was insane. That’s 20 minutes of my life I won’t get back.” “Do you know where Saturday’s day party is?” “Austin learned it’s lesson from the Armadillo. No way are they gonna tear down Liberty Lunch for an office building.” “I’m in such a hurry I’m gonna have […]